Augmedics’ Goggles Are Like Surgical X-Ray Specs
Augmedics’ surgical “X-ray specs” are really an augmented-reality headset (powered by Lumus transparent waveguide displays) that superimposes CT scans and other images over a patient’s body, helping surgeons map an operation without looking away.
Nissan Elimelech is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Augmedics, a 17-employee startup in Israel. A biomedical engineer by training, Nissan saw the need for a surgical navigation system that doctors could use while keeping their eyes on the patient. He founded Augmedics to develop Xvision in 2014, with the support of Lumus Ltd technology.
Augmedics has raised $9 million from investors, and clinical trials are already underway in Israel. They expect the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to clear Xvision for spinal surgery in early 2019.
Read the full story here, via Bloomberg Businessweek